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see i believe it is 1/3 for .325 inch thick

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Q: What is the insulating value of plexiglass As in the R value of a house wall Or the U value of glass?
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What is the U value of plexiglass?

Glass has an R value of approximately 0.14 per inch thickness Celluloid (Lexan, Plexiglass?) has an R value of approximately 0.7 per inch thickness [source:] U value is the inverse of the R value. (U-value = 1/R-value) Using this equation and the values above, the the U value of plexiglass is approximately 1.4 per inch of thickness. The U-value of glass is 7.0 per inch of thickness. So, if these values are correct, then Plexiglas is approximately five times as resistant to heat transfer by conduction as glass. I have seen this conclusion elsewhere a long time ago, but I have also seen values for plexiglass on a plastics dealer's web site that said the R-values of glass and plexiglass were approximately equal. On another site, a value of 1.35 Btu*in/hr*ft^2*ºF [source:] There are some values given in SI units on other sites, generally consistent with the values given above. Thermal conductivity of Acrylic sheet is listed as 0.2 (W·m−1·K−1) while glass is listed as having a range of values from 0.8 to 1.4, depending on the composition (0.8d−0.93e((96%SiO2)1.2-1.4g W-m−1·K−1) [] Again, then, the U value or thermal conductivity of plexiglass is given as between 1/4 and 1/7 that of glass. More authoritative information and further discussion of this question would be greatly appreciated.

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Steel reinforcement bars add stability to concrete walls Do they also enhance the insulating value of concrete?

Concrete does not have a very good insulating value, and neither does steel. The mixture of the two will add structural stability to what you are building, but it (commonly) will not enhance the concrete's insulating value.

What is the value of relative permittivity for insulating materials?

The value of relative permittivity for insulating materials is typically in the range of 2 to 10. This value indicates the material's ability to store electrical energy when an electric field is applied. Higher values of relative permittivity indicate better insulating properties.

Is Double Glazing a good insulator?

Yes, double glazing is a good insulator as it helps to reduce heat loss through windows by trapping a layer of air or gas between two panes of glass. This can lead to improved energy efficiency and reduced heating costs in a building.

What is the value of antique red glass?

There is not a definitive value for antique red glass. There are not only differing prices for when the glass was created, but what shade of red they are, such as ruby or cranberry.

What does the r in r-value mean?

The R-value of insulating material is an indication of its effectiveness in reducing heat flow through walls, floor, and ceiling of a structure.

What is the proper R value for insulating a crawl space in Delaware?

It's cold in Delaware, go for R-36.

What is glass on moh's scale?

Glass is around a 5.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness. This means that materials with a higher value on the scale can scratch glass, while those with a lower value cannot.

What is the value of glass?

the value used for a substance's properties accepted by everyone

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Why an electric discharge occurs?

The energy of the charge becomes greater than the insulating value of whatever separates the charge from its ground point.