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The R-value of insulating material is an indication of its effectiveness in reducing heat flow through walls, floor, and ceiling of a structure.

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Q: What does the r in r-value mean?
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What is the difference between lvalue and rvalue?

A variable is a named storage that can hold any value and has 2 values associated with it namely rvalue and lvalue. 'rvalue' is its data value that is its content and "lvalue" is its location value, that is memory address.

What is lvalue?

A variable has two associated value with it rvalue and lvalue. 'lvalue' is its location value, that is memory address.

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What is Lvalue in c?

An lvalue is an object that can be assigned a value, i.e. it can be on the left side of an equals sign, hence the term lvalue.If the compiler is complaining, you are probably trying to assign a new value to an rvalue, such as an array name or constant.

What is the r-value of 2 foam sound board?

I assume you mean 2 inch thick foam sound board??? The answer lies in what type of foam specifically you are speaking of.Polyisocyanurate foam has an rvalue of approx. r-7 per inch,being one of the higher r value foams readily available in 4'x8' sheet size.Polystyrene foam board,commonly found in building centers and home centers,and commonly referred to as "Dow" board has an r value of approx. r-5 per inch.To calculate the 2" thickness you reference,simply double the r value given(r value is generally stated as "r value per inch".Thus ,2" polystyrene has an r value of r-10 (r-5/inch x 2).These are fairly general guidelines,and depending on your application,you may want to find more detailed specifications that speak to degradation of R value over time,properties and characteristics of various foam types,etc,etc.

What does you r mean?

You r means You are or your

Why should you go to school so early?

because people r mean because people r mean because people r mean because people r mean because people r mean because people r mean because they need extra time at the end of school for sports so they dont go so late

What does r mean in a resistor?

R stands for the resistance.

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R is a dominant allele for trait 'r' and r is a recessive allele for trait 'r'.

What does the r in CD-r mean?

The R in CD-R means "READABLE" i m sure