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No relation is there power factor is a unit less quantity.

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Q: What is the relation between power factor and frequency for purpose of parallel operation of alternator?
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Will the impedance in a series RL circuit increase as the frequency decreases?

When the frequency of Parallel RL Circuit Increases,XL increases which causes IL (current through inductor) decreases. Decrease in IL causes It (It=Il+Ir) to decrease,which means by relation IT=Vs/Zt ,the Zt (Total Impedance) Increases.

Is there a relationship between density and stiffness?

the natural frequency of a system involves a equation relating mass and stiffness i.e f=1/2pi root of k/m where f : frequency k :stiffness m:mass mass is nothing but density*volume from the relation density = mass/volume another relation may be from the basic force equation f=-k*x we know f=m*a substuting for f we get m*a=-k*x

What is the difference between capture range and lock range in Phase lock loop devicee inj?

Lock Range of a PLL is the range of frequencies centered at free running frequency of VCO, around which the PLL can remain in locked state. Capture Range of a PLL is the range of frequencies centered at free running frequency of VCO, around which the PLL can acquire lock-in from an unlocked state. The relation is Capture Range<=Lock Range

Sinusoidal pwm generation using modulation index?

Not sure what type of modulation you are looking for, but there are two that can be manipulated, either individually or in conjunction:Frequency modulation index refers to the relation between the sine wave frequency (sine_freq) and the triangle (or saw-tooth) wave frequency (triang_freq).The frequency modulation index is equal to ((triang_freq)/(sine_freq)).Amplitude modulation index refers to the relation between the sine wave amplitude (sine_amp) and the triangle (or saw-tooth) wave amplitude (triang_amp).The amplitude modulation index is equal to ((sine_amp)/(triang_amp)).Varying the modulation index (normally by varying the frequency or amplitude of the triangle wave form) changes that respective modulation index.From personal experience, an appropriate amplitude modulation index for an SPWM waveform should be around 0.8(that is, if the triangle has an amplitude of 10, the sine would have an amplitude of 8). This index should never be equal to 1 (one); it should always be less. A.K.A.: the triangle-wave amplitude should always be greater than the sine-wave.On the other hand, a triangle-wave frequency much greaterthan the sine-wave frequency makes an SPWM that in turn generates a "cleaner" synthesized sine-wave in the H-bridge you are probably using. Try different freq. modulation indexes, but an index of at least 10 should be used (preferably somewhere around 100 if you want a good SPWM). That is, if the sine-wave frequency is 60 Hz, the triangle-wave frequency should be above 600, preferably 6,000 or more. Complications in the filter design in the "output" of the H-bridge will vary greatly when playing around with the frequency modulation index. That being said, keeping the amplitude modulation index at a static 0.8, and playing around with the triangle-wave frequency should be your best bet.

What is the relation between carrier frequency and modulating signal?

If the modulating system is AM (Amplitude Modulation) then the amplitude of the carrier wave changes with the amplitude of the modulation. On a specrum analyser that shows up as frequency sidebands. If the frequency of the carrier waves depends on the amplitude of the modulating signal that is called FM (frequency modulation). On a spectrum analyser that shows up as sidebands also.

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Will the impedance in a series RL circuit increase as the frequency decreases?

When the frequency of Parallel RL Circuit Increases,XL increases which causes IL (current through inductor) decreases. Decrease in IL causes It (It=Il+Ir) to decrease,which means by relation IT=Vs/Zt ,the Zt (Total Impedance) Increases.

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What does FM stand for in relation to the radio?

frequency modulation

What is equation for current and frequency relation-ship?

There is no such equation. The main reason is that there is no relationship between current and frequency.