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I'm not exactly sure that this is a question, but here you are:

#define YES 1

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Q: Write a preprocessor directive to accomplish Define symbolic constant YES to have the value 1?
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What are the advantages of using a symbolic constant rather than a literal constant in c plus plus?

The main two I can think of:It gives more meaning to the constant. eg using PI instead of 3.14159 makes it easier to understand what's going on when calculating things like a = PI * r * r;Should the constant for the program need to be changed, only one occurrence needs to be changed (in a header file) instead of all usages.

What are symbolic constants and how they are useful in developing programs?

symbolic constants are named constants like : final double PI = 3.14 ; They are constants because of the 'final' keywords, so they canNOT be reassigned a new value after being declared as final And they are symbolic , because they have a name A NON symbolic constant is like the value of '2' in expression int foo = 2 * 3 Answer given By Sushil Mittal..........

What does basic stands for?

Basic stands for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.

What is a symbolic address?

A Symbolic Address is a name invented by the programmer to identify a location. Without this idea the programmer would have to use absolute addresses, which are in binary.

What is the difference between symbolic link and hard link?

A hard link is an actual physical entity representing the link. i.e.--data file on a server.A symbolic link is a pointer to a physical entity. The purpose of a symbolic link is, if the object moves, the symbolic link is coded so no matter where the object physically resides, the database can find it. It requires less administration not having to update locations in files pointing to files that have moved. Symbolic links function similar to the short-cuts in a DOS based operating systemAnswerIn Unix and Unix-like systems, a hard link is a directory entry (filename) that points to the file itself. The operating system keeps track of how many hard links point to a file, so when the last hard link to a file is removed, the file is deleted. A symbolic link is a special file that only contains a filename. The file that a symbolic link refers to may not necessarily exist at any given time.

Related questions

What is a symbolic constant in c language?

symbolic constants are constants represented by symbols.... constants are values that does not change through out the program execution. e.g #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #define NUM 15 void main() { int a=NUM; printf("The constant is %d",a); getch(); } here #define is a preprocessor. its job is to replace all the entries named NUM as 15. So that the compiler works with the constant 15...

What are symbolic constants?

A symbolic constant is a constant with a name, numeric constants are unnamed and must be retyped in the code on each usage. Generally use of symbolic constants is preferred as it makes the code self documenting and allows the compiler to catch typing errors in constant usage.

What is the symbolic meaning of sprengeri fern?

constant love

Am reading the C programming language and I'm curious about this questionwhy Dennis MRitchie not let us to put a semicolon after a Symbolic Constants definition?

A symbolic constant is a macro definition - a command to the preprocessor - and not an actual part of the language. Everything following the #define symbol tokens, up to and not including the line terminator, is part of the macro. Since a macro is intended to replace a literal symbol, possibly in a complex expression, you would not necessarily want a semicolon as part of the literal expression, because that would terminate processing of the line.Note: the preprocessor is a separate program, which runs before the actual compilation; it has its own syntax, which is different from that of the compiler.

Why is no red allowed to show when the American flag is folded?

Red is symbolic for the bloodshed and because it is a constant reminder of the loss and pain it is not shown.

What advantage are there in defining an array size in term of symbolic constant rather than a fixed integer value?

It may be possible to generalise results to other integer values.

How do you make a sentence using the word symbolic?

The flag was a symbolic representation of the country's unity and pride.

What was the roman symbolic of?

You need to specify what is it that is symbolic.

What processes are needed to transform a C program to a machine program?

Preprocessing, compiling and linking. The preprocessor primarily handles all the precompiler directives (#include, #define, etc), importing included files, stripping out comments and expanding macros to create intermediate files (translation units) that contain pure C code. This is why the C compiler cannot help you debug macros; the compiler never sees the macros, it only sees the code produced by the preprocessor. The preprocessed files are compiled to create one object file per translation unit. Each object file is compiled in isolation and essentially contains optimised machine code with symbolic references in place of offset addresses that have yet to be established. The linker uses these symbolic references to ascertain the correct offsets and link all the machine code instructions together to produce a single machine code executable.

What are the advantages of using a symbolic constant rather than a literal constant in c plus plus?

The main two I can think of:It gives more meaning to the constant. eg using PI instead of 3.14159 makes it easier to understand what's going on when calculating things like a = PI * r * r;Should the constant for the program need to be changed, only one occurrence needs to be changed (in a header file) instead of all usages.

What is Argentina's symbolic animal?

the symbolic animal is the puma.

What makes something symbolic?

If something is special to you it is symbolic.