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Q: What is the difference between a symbolic and a literal constant?
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What is the difference between a variable and a literal in prgramming?

a literal is a constant value, the difference is a variable can change it's value.

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a named constant is pretty much the same thing as a literal constant, except it is a name. both cannot change. literal constants are numbers, named constants are words. tada!

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symbolic meaning is the symbol that the subject/object symbolizes.What does the subject/object symbolize? Whereas the literal meaning is the moral of the story. What does the story teach us?

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a -- identifier 'a' -- character-literal "a" -- string-literal

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When an author uses symbolic language in his or her story the end result is?

Both a literal and a symbolic meaning

What is the difference between a pictogram and an ideogram?

A pictogram is a visual symbol that represents an object or concept, while an ideogram is a symbol that represents an idea or meaning. Pictograms are more literal and direct, while ideograms are more abstract and symbolic.

What is the difference between A and A in string?

Well, A is an identifier; 'A' is a character-literal; "A" is a string literal (of 1 character); "'A'" is another string literal (of 3 characters).

Figurative language is language with a literal meaning and a meaning.?


What is the difference between value and variable?

A literal is a value that can be assigned to a constant or a variable. A constant is a named memory address in which only one value can be stored. The value must be assigned at compile time and cannot change at runtime. A variable is a named memory address in which any binary value can be stored. Variables can be initialised at compile time but can change value at runtime. Examples: int i = 42; // assign the literal value 42 to the variable i. const float pi = 3.14; // assign the literal value 3.14 to the constant pi. char c[] = "Hello world"; // assign the string literal to the character array c.

Words or phrases that have a literal and a symbolic meaning are known as?

figurative language