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Q: Write a shell program to check and display 10 leap years?
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Write a shell program called whos to display a sorted list of the logged in usersJust display the user names and no other information?

The 'users' command should do that; you don't need to write a shell script to get that information in that format.

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You don't say what you want to do with the permissions, but most shells have a 'test' command that can look at various permissions. Look at the 'man' command for the shell you are running in to see what tests are possible on files and directories. You can check to see if the target is a directory, or a file, and whether it has read, write, or execute/search permissions. Again, it varies by the shell environment.

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We can not perform Shell Scripting in DOS, we can do Batch programing in DOS..

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no thanks

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in winxp del *.* /Q /S

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A shell is a program that read commands from some input device, typically the keyboard, and displays results on some output device, typically the display. It manages the environment and executes other programs as needed.

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see : Write_a_shell_program_using_the_if-the-else_to_test_whether_a_variable_name_is_a_directory_or_a_file

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tr [:lower:] [:upper:] < /etc/passwd > somefile

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kill the snail and clean it.wash the inside of the shell and preserve it then put it on display