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You can gain muscle on your waist line by working your lower and and obliques. When most people work their abs they will do sit ups which work all Ab groups but it mainly targets your upper abs. To get the most out of your Ab workouts you should begin say Monday working your upper abs only. You can do crunches, use an Ab machine, or sit ups. Then on Tuesday work your obliques which are your abs on the side of your body. You can do sit ups while Turning to your side and you can get a bench press bar and sit the bar on your shoulders while sitting down and turning your upper body from side to side. An Ab coaster I feel is the best workout for your obliques. If you have access to one I would recommend to use it. Then on Wednesday you should work your lower abs. To do this you can do reverse crunches or raising your legs 6 inches off of the ground and holding the position. You can also do leg lifts while on a bench lowering your legs past the bottom of the bench. Those are just a few workouts to give you some ideas. You then repeat that process throughout the week taking off Sunday. You should do 3 sets of each exercise with 15 reps in each set. After you build your abs and have a solid muscle structure you should then begin to run a few days a week. You can start out running 2 days a week say Tuesday and Thursday. Then bump it up to 3 days a week changing it to say Monday, Wednesday and Friday from there you could bump it up to say Monday - Friday.

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Q: How you gain 5 pounds in your waist?
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Do you gain 5 pounds by watching tv?

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You should be about 27 or 26 inches around your waist. You should also weigh about 110 pounds and be able to lift about 10 pounds.

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It depends on how tall you are. There are websites that calculate your body mass index

How can you gain 5 pounds in one day?

carry a 5 pound weight.

Can you gain 5 pounds in 3 days?

Easily. It also depends on what you are calculating: permanent weight gain or flexible weight gain. You can gain/lose 5 to 10 pounds a day simply through the influx of food/liquid you eat on a daily basis. You can gain 5 pounds in a few minutes if you were willing to make yourself sick. You can certainly do it in 3 days (permanent weight gain) simply by poor nutrition choices.

How to gain 5 pounds of fat?

eat more,exercise less.

How much does scarlet johanson weigh?

she is 100 pounds, stands at 5 feet 2 inches and has a 19 inch waist

1 inch off waist equals how many pounds lost?

It depends on what the waist was before.

How can a 5' 8 132 pound 16-year-old girl lose 22 pounds from her waist and thighs in one week?

I am sorry to disappoint you but there is no natural way to lose 22 pounds from your waist and thighs in one week. It is an unrealistic expectation. The good news is you are not overweight.

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How many days does it take to gain 5 pounds?

weight is measured by calories, not time.

How do you gain 5-10 pounds in a day?

Impossible for permanent growth, it is however possible to gain 20 to 30 pounds of muscle in a month. However if you ate a lot of high calorie dense foods and water you could probably gain 3-5 pounds of fat in a day, although I recommend it. Leave me a message to learn how to get bigger faster and stronger