There are four parts to a division equation:
1. Dividend (number being divided up into groups)
2. Divisor (how many groups the dividend is bring broken into)
3. Quotient (how many in each group from the dividend)
4. Remainder (the leftover that is less than the divisor)
Another way to locate them in an expression using the little division house:
Dividend is inside the house. Divisor is outside at the door. Quotient is on top of the house and the Remainder are close by their friends, the quotient.
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You break up the division problems into numbers that are easy to divide in your head.
Friendly parts is a method for making mental division easier. You have only given a number ... you need to give a division question. Please ask your question again.
the battalion is part of a division. usually there are 3 battalions in a division
Axial division
"Friendly" is an adjective in this sentence, as it describes the characteristic of the people.
No. Not a part of NATO. NATO-friendly, but not a member.
In a division problem, the dividend is the part of the problem to the left of the "
A division of the Trachea is the Bronchiole Tubes
it is part of the animal cell which play a rule during cell division?
The part that contains your message is the body.
No, interphase is part of the cell cycle and so is cell division. They occur at differenttimes in the cell cycle.
It's an adjective.