You break up the division problems into numbers that are easy to divide in your head.
Friendly parts is a method for making mental division easier. You have only given a number ... you need to give a division question. Please ask your question again.
3 and 10 are the friendly parts of 30
it is 44
7 times 12
46 and 67
Friendly parts is a method for making mental division easier. You have only given a number ... you need to give a division question. Please ask your question again.
3 and 10 are the friendly parts of 30
the friendly parts for 64 is the multiples of 2,and 4
A bisection is a division or the process of division into two parts, especially two equal parts.
it is 44
Division means to divide or cut into parts or pieces.Division means to divide or cut into parts or pieces.
30 and 21
30 and 27
Friendly parts? All I can say is that 57 = 3x19. 3 and 19 are prime numbers, and this is the only way to get 57 by multiplying.