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It depends on which country you are in!

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Q: Where can you earn 3 percent interest and still have access to your funds?
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Are prepaid credit cards worth all the interest?

There is no interest on a prepaid credit card. With a prepaid card it is like having cash. You have an amount on your card (for example $500) and you purchase an item for $30 you would then still have a credit of $470 on your card. This can be topped up when the funds run low.

Is it legal for a credit card company to charge 109.96 percent interest on a cash advance?

Credit card interest and fees are determined at the state level at present. Congress has passed a law which makes bait and switch tactics more difficult but legal interest ceilings are still a state matter.

Can a creditor still charge interest rates if they are garnishing your wages?

If you have a garishee against your salary can the creditor still charge interest. Thanks Theo

How does interest in a mortgage work?

the interest on a mortgage works as follows it either accumulates every X amounts of months (depends on your mortgage) for the example its monthly. If your annual mortage is 7 percent. Every month the add on (7/12) of a percent of what you owe back onto what you owe. Say you owe 100,000$ that would be 583$ added every month. so if you pay off 1000$ you still owe 99,583 and your next months interest will be 581$ and this will continue till you pay it all off

What do board designated fund and permanently restricted fund mean What is the difference between two?

Board designated funds are not restricted. Funds can only be restricted by the donor. Therefore when the board restricts or designates the funds for a purpose they are still considered unrestricted.

Related questions

What is the monthly interest on 13 percent per annum?

It's 11/12 percent of whatever principle you still owe.

Determine the per annum interest rate r required for an investment with continuous compound interest to yield an effective rate of 4.25 percent Express your answer as a percent?

We still need to know how often the interest is compounded ... Weekly ? Daily ? Hourly ? What does "continuous" mean ?

Is a savings account or CD better for putting money into?

A savings account would still allow you access to those funds. However, if you please your money in a CD it can gain interest that is compounded daily, but you cannot cash in the CD before it's due date without risking cost to you.

Should a mortgage of 150K at 6 percent be paid off with 150K cash from a 401K at retirement?

interest rates on borrowed money such as loans and mortgages is nearly always higher than the interest you gain on any savings. You'd have to check what interest you could get on investing the 150k but paying off the mortgage is likely to be your best option - unless you want to spend the money on something else in the short term, but remember you still need to have te funds available to pay the monthly payments on the mortgage.

Are prepaid credit cards worth all the interest?

There is no interest on a prepaid credit card. With a prepaid card it is like having cash. You have an amount on your card (for example $500) and you purchase an item for $30 you would then still have a credit of $470 on your card. This can be topped up when the funds run low.

When freezing an account does it stop funds going in?

no - only stops funds from leaving your account you can still deposit

Why despite the huge reduction in Interest rate in the US to quarter a prcent Mortgage lenders still charge home buyers an interest rate as high as six percent without passing any reduction?

Because mortgage lenders make money by charging more interest than they pay.

Is it legal for a credit card company to charge 109.96 percent interest on a cash advance?

Credit card interest and fees are determined at the state level at present. Congress has passed a law which makes bait and switch tactics more difficult but legal interest ceilings are still a state matter.

Do you have to pay a Tennessee title loan back if you never had a clear title?

Absolutely. You still borrowed the funds to purchase the property and you signed a note promising to pay the loan.Absolutely. You still borrowed the funds to purchase the property and you signed a note promising to pay the loan.Absolutely. You still borrowed the funds to purchase the property and you signed a note promising to pay the loan.Absolutely. You still borrowed the funds to purchase the property and you signed a note promising to pay the loan.

Best CD Interest Rates?

CD interest rates are not extremely high at the present time, but you can still find better Certificate of Deposit (CD) interest rates at certain financial institutions than at other ones. The best CD interest rates are easily found online. All you need to do is search for the best CD interest rates on any of the major search engines, and you are sure to notice several websites that specialize in comparing CD interest rates. These websites make searching for the best rates an easier task because you can easily compare all of the CD interest rates on one convenient page. Read this guide on the best CD interest rates to learn valuable information about this type of investment.A slightly higher interest rate makes a big differenceAurora Bank is currently offering 1.200 percent interest. Ally Bank is currently offering 1.190 percent interest and Bank of Internet USA is currently offering 1.330 percent interest. (See All of these banks compound interest daily, which makes a big difference in the total, year-end yield of your CD account. A rate of 1.330 percent may not seem like much more than 1.190 percent, but the extra 0.140 percent does add up to greater savings, especially when you consider the fact that the interest is compounded on a daily basis.Choose a CD account in which interest is compounded daily because daily compounding of interest means additional money in your pocket. When interest is compounded monthly or quarterly, the yield is not as great as when it is compounded daily. An interest rate hike of 0.140 percent might not seem like much, but even a small percentage amount can add up to larger savings at the end of the year. Do not open a CD account that offers monthly or quarterly interest. When an interest-bearing savings account, checking account or CD account is compounded daily, you do notice a dramatic difference.

If a loan has a pre payment penalty attached would it still be viable to retire it?

It depends. One has to look at what the interest rate is, the amount of the term remaining, the amount of the prepayment penalty and the cost of the source of funds to pay it off. There is no one correct answer, sorry.

Is wife entitled to access of marital funds?

In most cases, both spouses have access to marital funds. However, the specific rules may vary depending on the laws of the jurisdiction and any agreements made between the spouses. Consulting with a legal professional could provide guidance on individual circumstances.