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We still need to know how often the interest is compounded ... Weekly ? Daily ? Hourly ?

What does "continuous" mean ?

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Q: Determine the per annum interest rate r required for an investment with continuous compound interest to yield an effective rate of 4.25 percent Express your answer as a percent?
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If $190 is invested at an interest rate of 11% per year and is compounded continuously, how much will the investment be worth in 4 years Use the continuous compound interest formula: A = Pert?


Is a continuous spectrum produce a heated ionic compound?

Yes, a continuous spectrum can be produced by a heated ionic compound. When an ionic compound is heated, electrons can be excited to higher energy levels, and as they return to their ground state, they emit light across a wide range of wavelengths, resulting in a continuous spectrum.

How do you determine the physical state of the compound?

You determine It.. obviously

How does compound interest affect the future value of an investment?


Capital ending formula?

The formula for calculating the future value of an investment with compound interest is FV = PV x (1 + r)^n, where FV is the future value, PV is the present value, r is the annual interest rate, and n is the number of periods. This formula helps determine how much an investment will grow over time.

How many variables are fundamental to all compound interest problems?

Three variables are fundamental to all compound interest problems: principal amount (initial investment), interest rate, and time period. These variables are used to calculate the compound interest accrued on an investment over time.

What is the effect of compound interest?

The effect of compound interest is that interest is earned on the accrued interest, as well as the principal amount.

What is Compound verb?

Tenses of compound verbs include continuous, perfect, and future tense verbs. Compound verbs can also be passive, for example the verb in "a hamburger was eaten by John" is passive.

What is Compound Tenses Verbs?

Tenses of compound verbs include continuous, perfect, and future tense verbs. Compound verbs can also be passive, for example the verb in "a hamburger was eaten by John" is passive.

What is the annual compound interest rate for an investment account modeled by the function y 12 1.18t?

The annual compound interest rate is 18 percent.

How are mass calculations used?

Mass percentage calculations determine the percentage of an element based on mass in a compound. This can then be used to determine the percentage in a compound of each individual element.

How can I calculate the expected return on an investment?

To calculate the return on an investment you will fist write down the amount of your total investment including fees and any expenses. Next, write down your loss and finally calculate the return on investment by dividing the profit by total investment. offers a compound interest calculator for your convenience.