Any container of any shape with a volume of 6.6841 cubic feet or more will do the job.
For a rectangular container, multiply the (length) x (width) x (height). If the result
is 6.6841 or more in feet, (11,550 or more in inches), you're in business.
A container that is 35200 cubic feet will hold approximately 262,976 gallons.
A million gallons is really a lot; I would say, an extra-large swimming pool could be large enough.
A container that is 48x12x12 inches in size holds approximately 29 gallons of liquid.
My swimming pool holds 1250 gallons. It is 12 feet diameter and 3 feet deep.
24,685.7 gallons.
This container could hold up to 3,949.71 US gallons of water.
10.38961 gallons (rounded)
19.64 US gallons.
Well, as an example, a 70-cubic meter container could hold up to about 18,500 gallons of water.
The number of gallons in one container depends on the size and capacity of the container. Typically, a standard container may hold anywhere from 1 gallon to 55 gallons or more.
About 47.6 gallons
Figure the volume in cubic inches and divide by 277.4 to get the number of gallons the container will hold. This is A close approximate formular. Convert the gallons to pints or less if it is a small container.