

Calculating volume in a container

Updated: 10/27/2022
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16y ago

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Figure the volume in cubic inches and divide by 277.4 to get the number of gallons the container will hold. This is A close approximate formular. Convert the gallons to pints or less if it is a small container.

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What are you determining when calculating volume?

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What is the formula for calculating volume?

Basically, it's area times height, but because the formula to calculate area is different for different shapes, the formula for volume changes with the shape. length times width times height. L x W x H One can use calculus to find the volume of a solid. Take the triple integral of the functions that define the solid in each direction. also in physics when density and mass are given, then the volume can be calculated as volume=mass/densityThe formula for calculating the volume of a container varies with the shape of the container. Simple shapes can be calculated very easily such as cubes, prisms, or cylinders. Complicated or asymmetrical shapes would require the use of integral calculus.

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volume for 20 foot container