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Because you are substituting a number for a variable. Like substituting salt for sugar in a cake recipe. Although you really shouldn't do the latter.

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Q: Why replacing variable for a number in an expression or equation is called substituting?
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When can you say that a number is called a solution in algebraic expression?

An algebraic equation or inequality can have a solution, an algebraic expression cannot. If substituting a number in place of a variable results in the equation or inequality being a true statement, then that number is a solution of the equation or inequality.

What is an algebraic expression by replacing each variable with a given number and performing all operations?

It is called evaluating the equation.

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Can you solve for a variable in an expression?

No, you can only simplify an expression. To solve for a variable, it must be in an equation.

What is to replace a variable with a number or anotherexpression in an expression?

The term for replacing a variable with another value or expression is "substitution."

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What is replacing each variable with a number in an expression and simpiifying the result?

Evaluating the expression.

Can a linear expression have a squared variable?

No, if there is a sqaured variable, the equation is not linear.

What do you call replacing a variable in an algebraic expression with a quaintity?

I think it is called "replacing" or "substitution".

What is replacing each variable in an expression by a number and calculating the answer?

That is sometimes known as EVALUATING the expression.

What is an algerbraic expression?

An algebraic expression is an expression or and equation that contains at least 1 variable