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There are a number of considerations for calculating average. The size here it has to be assumed does not include the storage area or checkout area of the store therefore its purely the area where products for sale will be displayed.

The second factor is the expenditure used to fill that area, the cost of the products, will the store be selling all top brands or will it be used for budget/discount lines, will it e a mix of both. What is the human traffic like for such a size and of course competition and trading hours.

In a best guess scenario as we dont know many of the tell tale factors and using the the 15000 sq ft (approx 155 feet by 155 feet) as all sales then the sales potential average could be 65000$ a week.

as stated there are a number of factors not available here like competition, selling area and POS area, type of grocery lines (brand, budget or both) trading hours/days and customer footfall. If this is more convenience style then the sales revenue will be lower as it will not be selling the wide ranges or products a multinational would

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10y ago

The average square feet of a retail store is usually around 6200 square feet. However, this will vary depending on the store.

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12y ago

six dollars per square foot

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