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260,000 square feet CORRECT!

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Q: The largest supercenter covers how many square feet of retail?
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What is the square footage of Walmart supercenter?

In Chilliwack B.C. the store is 150,000 square feet.

What is the world's largest desert and how big is it in square miles?

The world's largest desert is the Antarctic Desert. It covers 5,400,000 square miles.

What country covers the largest area?

Russia covers the largest area of land on Earth. Its total land area is about 17.1 million square kilometers.

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Asia is the largest continent in terms of square miles. It covers an area of about 17.2 million square miles.

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The largest desert in the world is Antarctica with 14,000,000 square kilometers. The second largest desert is the Sahara with 9,400,000 square kilometers.

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The largest county in the state of New York is St. Lawrence County which covers about 2,821 square miles.

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List the worlds largest country in square miles?

The world's largest country by land area is Russia, which covers approximately 6.6 million square miles.

Which continent has both the largest population and the largest area?

Asia, with population of over four billion, covers 17,139,445 square miles (44,391,162 square km)

Which is the largest peninsula on earth and how many square milse is it?

The largest peninsula on Earth is the Arabian Peninsula, which covers an area of approximately 1.25 million square miles.

The largest ocean of the world?

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