If you mean the food, it has no symbol, but if you mean the number (3.1415...) the symbol is on the link below.
~ Pi
the symbol gfor pie is n
a pie
pie with blue bellies
Pie or 3.1TT
Pi as a symbol was first used by the English mathematician William Jones. In 1706 he wrote that 3.14159=Euler, in 1737, used this symbol and it became the worlds standard symbol for pi after that.
pie.... the symbol
the meaning of pie is a number. and the number that represents pie is 3.14159 but continues.
No. It's pi, not pie ("pie" is a dessert). Pi is the name of a Greek letter represented by the symbol π. Its value is approximately 3.14159.
Pie is a color that likes to eat small ungainly robots.
Pie is a symbol that represents a number (3.14159...). Pie algebra is when the number Pie is used in algebra like the ccircumference of a circle. A circumference of a circle is worked out by Pie algebra: DxPie (diameter x Pie). Its a bit complicated to explain but...