Expressed as a ratio in its simplest form, with integers as the antecedent and consequent, 4.9:7 is equal to 7:10.
Expressed as a ratio in its simplest form, by dividing the antecedent and consequent by 5, 35:100 is equal to 7:20.
The antecedent.
Expressed as a ratio in its simplest form, by dividing both the antecedent and consequent by 20, 80:300 is equal to 4:15.
Expressed as a ratio in its simplest form, by dividing the antecedent and consequent by 4, 4:8 is equal to 1:2.
Expressed as a ratio in its simplest form, with integers as the antecedent and consequent, 4.9:7 is equal to 7:10.
Antecedent is the first term in a ratio .
Expressed as a ratio in its simplest form, by dividing the antecedent and consequent by 2, 10:4 is equal to 5:2 or five to two.
Expressed as a ratio in its simplest form, by dividing the antecedent and consequent by 5, 35:100 is equal to 7:20.
The antecedent.
Expressed as a ratio in its simplest form, by dividing both the antecedent and consequent by 20, 80:300 is equal to 4:15.
Expressed as a ratio in its simplest form, by dividing the antecedent and consequent by 4, 4:8 is equal to 1:2.
The ratio is: 7 to 4
4/(7) = 4/7 is the ratio of circles to triangles. Some prefer to express this as 4:7.
Expressed as a ratio in its simplest form, by dividing the antecedent and consequent by 12, 36:48 is equal to 3:4 or three to four.
Since the antecedent of the ratio is prime, it is impossible to cancel this ratio of 17:48 down any further.
The answer is the antecedent and the second number is the consequent.