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That would be "Archimedes' screw". See link provided:

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Q: What was Archimedes' major contribution to the world of water pumps?
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How does Archimedes influence us today?

Archimedes is an interesting mathematician. He invented many different things during his lifetime. A lot of the things Archimedes invented are still used somewhat today.Archimedes was born in 287 B.C. in Syracuse, a Greek seaport. Syracuse is located in Sicily. Archimedes's father, Phidias, was an astronomer. A lot of Archimedes's works were lost or burnt so we do not know who Archimedes's mother was, the number of brothers and sisters he had, and if he was married or not. Archimedes studied at Euclid's school in Alexandria. Archimedes invention, the compound pulley, could be used to pull ships on land and lift heavy objects with ease. The pulley looked like this:Archimedes invention, the Archimedes's screw, was used to remove water from the hold of a large ship. The Archimedes's screw looked like this:Archimedes also invented the burning mirror which was a weapon used in war. He used the mirror to keep the Romans out of Syracuse for a long time during a war. A picture of Archimedes using the mirror looked like this:Archimedes found thirteen different geometric figures. Some of those many different geometric figures are displayed here.Archimedes died in Syracuse, Sicily, in 212 B.C. at the age of 75. There is no real explanation on how he died, but it is said he was killed in the capture of Syracuse by the Romans. The reason that he is said to have died is that when a soldier came and stepped on a problem Archimedes was working on Archimedes snapped at the soldier and the soldier then killed him.An odd thing about Archimedes is that it is said that he postponed the capture of Syracuse by using mirrors to focus the sun on the Roman ships and using huge cranes to turn the ships over. Archimedes discovered buoyancy while taking a bath so then he ran around town naked shouting because he discovered buoyancy.Archimedes had nicknames such as, "the wise one", "the master", and "the great geometer."Here is a manuscript of Archimedes sold at an auction.Manuscript sold for $2m at auction in 1998Archimedes did many more things that I had no idea he did. Hopefully you now know more stuff about Archimedes too like the inventions he invented.

What did Archimedes do in science?

Archimedes was a Greek scientist. He contributed to the fields of mathematics, science, and engineering. He made many achievements in these fields. To name a few: * He found that he could find a sphere's volume when he compared it to a cylinder of similar size. * He invented a machine that could be used to irrigate crops. * He created a system that allowed him to express very large numbers. * He used buoyancy to help determine volume.

Where Can One Find White Water Rafting?

You can find white water rafting at any major rafting company that is adjacent to a rushing river or body of water that allows for white water rafting. There are any of these all over the world.

What is the meaning of ANA?

A genus of water fowls, of the order Anseres, including certain species of fresh-water ducks.

How does a Murphy switch work?

Murphy switches monitor various parameters such as temperature, fluid level, vibration, water pressure, etc. They shut down engines, motors, etc., if there is deviation from the desirable operating range of the monitored parameter. Other Murphy switches will actually vary throttle on engines to maintain a desired parameter within acceptable limits. They generally work by disrupting an electrical circuit or other vital function, causing the motor or engine to shut down. For instance, I farm and have Murphy switches for irrigation pumps, booster pumps, fertigation pumps, and pivots. Basically, if one system fails, then all of the other components will shut down, to prevent wasting irrigation water and energy and to prevent damage to various components of the system. On my natural gas motors, I have Murphy switches which will shut down the motor if the oil level gets low, the temperature gets too high, or if the water pressure from the irrigation pump gets too high or low.

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What does the Archimedes water screw do?

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Shakti Pumps is a leading water pumps & motors supplier in USA. As India's leading manufacturer of energy efficient pumps, we are well-known in our industry.

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What was Archimedes bathtub experiment?

over-flowing water

What is the Archimedes screw used for today?

The Archimedes screw is used for irrigating crops and liftin water from mines and ship bilges.

How did Archimedes get the idea for his world famous law?

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