There is no definitive answer to this question as it varies depending on factors like lifestyle, population density, and individual preferences. However, a commonly cited estimate is around 1/4 to 1/2 an acre of land per person in rural areas, with less space needed in urban environments where living spaces are smaller.
To convert 125 miles to dollars, you would need to know the cost per mile. Once you have that information, you can multiply the number of miles by the cost per mile to get the total cost in dollars.
A sustainable level of consumption per person is estimated to be around 1.7 global hectares per capita. This takes into account the Earth's biocapacity and the need to reduce our ecological footprint to ensure a sustainable future for all.
To calculate the area of a region, we need more information such as the coordinates or shape of MN. Please provide more details so that I can assist you with finding the area in square miles.
The distance across an area measured in square miles would depend on the shape of the area. To find the distance across, you would need to know the shape's dimensions. For example, if the area is a square, you could find the distance across by finding the square root of the area. If it is a circle, you would need to calculate the diameter using the formula πr^2 = 85 square miles.
Northwest if you live near or in Illinois. North Northwest if you live near or in Washington. Directly North if you live in the Hawaiian Islands.
Every living person needs water to live. Roughly 6,706,993,152 people (as of July 2008) need water to live.
Think about it. they live in a desert with no water for miles. They need that stored water to live off for many days
A person can live with one kidney and one lung. They can live if the spleen is removed as well. That is about it.
No, we need many, many alveoli to give the surface area needed for gas exchange.
That depends... on how many miles per gallon your car gets and how much gas costs where you live
A person can't live without a heart (the organ), but a person does not need empathy or love to live.
This question does not have enough information to answer it. You need to include the rate of speed (how many MPH) the person is driving in order to answer this question.
There are no distance requirements for joint custody.
you need to do 51.6 miles to burn it of
For an accurate answer, we would need to know the length of your step. However, an average person takes about 2000 steps to walk 1 mile.
You need 1 healthy kidney to live