Easter Island is much smaller than a US state. It has a land area of about 63 square miles, while a US state like Texas covers over 268,000 square miles. This means that Easter Island is a tiny fraction of the size of a US state.
The third largest state in the US by land size is California.
Montana is the closest state in size to Germany.
North Korea is about the size of the state of Mississippi in the United States.
West Virginia is the US state that is roughly the same size as Taiwan. Both are around 14,000 square miles in area.
If Qatar were a US state, it would rank 49th in size.
The US is almost 8 times the size of Peru.
The country of Wales, part of the United Kingdom, is closest in size to the US state of New Jersey. (Wales: 8,022, sq miles, New Jersey 8,721 sq. miles.)
147,000 square miles or slightly smaller than Montana.
Peru is about halfway between Texas (second largest US state) and Alaska (largest US state) in size.
size 11
New Mexico is the state closest in size to Finland. Some other US states that are close to Finland's size include Montana, Arizona, and Nevada.
US 9 372 614 Kilometers Square Brazil 8 514 876 Kilometers Square
Argentina is about the size from the East Size of the Mississippi River to the End. I hope that helps. Argentina is about the size from the East Size of the Mississippi River to the End. I hope that helps.