Cuba's total land area is approximately 42,426 square miles.
Cuba has a total land area of about 42,426 square miles.
Egypt's land area is approximately 386,662 square miles.
ContinentArea in Square Miles (Square Km)Percent of Total Land Area on EarthThe World57,308,738 Sq. Miles (148,429,000 Sq. Km)100%Asia (plus the Middle East)17,212,000 Sq. Miles (44,579,000 Sq. Km)30.0%Africa11,608,000 Sq. Miles (30,065,000 Sq. Km)20.3%North America9,365,000 Sq. Miles (24,256,000 Sq. Km)16.3%South America6,880,000 Sq. Miles (17,819,000 Sq. Km)12.0%Antarctica5,100,000 Sq. Miles (13,209,000 Sq. Km)8.9%Europe3,837,000 Sq. Miles (9,938,000 Sq. Km)6.7%Australia (plus Oceania)2,968,000 Sq. Miles (7,687,000 Sq. Km)5.2%
116,000 sq miles is approximately equivalent to the size of Arizona, which is around 113,000 sq miles in area.
Cuba is 42,803 sq miles. =)
Havana, Cuba - 278.4 square miles.
Population is 2,700,000 according to 2007 estimated census. Area is 278.4 sq mi (721 sq km).
Cuba is 42,803 sq. mi. Cuba is the 17th largest island in the world.
the area is over 110,860.sq kmor 42,803sq miles.the size is 42,803 square miles.
NOJamaica Area: 10,991 sq km. (4,244 sq mi.)Cuba Area: 110, 860 sq. km. (44, 200 sq. mi.)
Cuba has a total land area of approximately 42,426 square miles. To convert this to acres, we can use the fact that one square mile is equal to 640 acres. Therefore, the total land area of Cuba is roughly 27,129,600 acres.
Missouri has an area of 69,704 sq miles.
Massachusetts land area is 7,840.02 sq. miles, water area 2,714.55 sq. miles for a total area of 10,554.57 sq miles
42,804 sq miles (110,861 km²)
Cuba is 42,803 sq miles. Minnesota is 86,943 sq miles- a little more than twice as large- and a LOT colder. Yah, sure.
Cuba - 110,860 sq km (ranked 105th in size).