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The land area of the United States is approximately 2.3 billion acres.

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Q: What is the land area US in acres?
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How big is the US in acres?

The total land area of the United States is approximately 2.3 billion acres.

What is Ethiopia's land area in acres?

272,896,000 acres of land area.

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What is the area of the US in acres?

Total land area of North America (including Central America and the Caribbean): 24,486,305 km² (6,050,697,738 acres) Total population of North America: 514,144,046 Average population density of North America: 21.0 persons per square kilometer (11.77 acres per person) Total land area of Earth: 148,939,100 km² (36,803,653,121 acres) Total population of Earth: 6,553,289,000 Average population density of Earth: 44.0 persons per square kilometer (5.62 acres per person)

What is a Land area in acres called?


How many acres of land is necessary in Mississippi to be considered a farm?

Mississippi comprises 30,020,454.4 acres (land area).

What is the land area of Arkansas in acres?

Arkansas comprises 34,034,560 acres of total area, of which 2.09% is water, leaving a remainder of 33,323,237.7 acres of land area.

How many acres of land make up the US?

The US has 2,428,224,640 acres of land.

What fraction of us land area is urban?

According to a report by the USDA, about 2.6% of of US land area (60 million acres out of 2.3 billion acres) is classified as urban. see: for more details.

How many acres of land in Connecticut?

Connecticut has a land area of 3,100,544 acres.

What is the land area of Mars in acres?

Mars has a total land area of approximately 55.9 billion acres.

Forest forest land area of US?

The average land area of forest land in US is 190 million acres (297,000 mi²/769 000 km²) which consist of 155 national forests.