As of 2021, the total land area of the United States is approximately 2.3 billion acres. With a population of around 331 million people, this equates to roughly 6.95 acres per person. It is important to note that this calculation includes all land in the US, including uninhabitable areas such as mountains, deserts, and national parks.
The land area of the United States is approximately 2.3 billion acres.
The total land area of the United States is approximately 2.3 billion acres.
A "small farm" is defined by the US Department of Agriculture as one with less than $250,000 in annual sales, so there is no clear indication of how many acres that might entail. It can vary largely depending on the crops produced and input costs incurred. But the greatest number of farms classified as "small" are under 70 acres.
The United States has a land area of approximately 3.8 million square miles, making it the third-largest country by land area. This translates to about 27.8 acres per square mile in the US.
1#US 760kgs per person 2#Austrailia 690 kgs per person 3#Denmark 660 kgs per person 4#Switzerland 650 kgs per person 5#Canada 640 kgs per person 6#Norway 620 kgs per person 7#Netherlands 610 kgs per person 8#Austria 560 kgs per person 9#U.k 560 kgs per person 10#Ireland 560 kgs per person So as you can see, yes U.S is not only the country that produces the most garbadge but also per person.
171,891,840 acres
Total land area of North America (including Central America and the Caribbean): 24,486,305 km² (6,050,697,738 acres) Total population of North America: 514,144,046 Average population density of North America: 21.0 persons per square kilometer (11.77 acres per person) Total land area of Earth: 148,939,100 km² (36,803,653,121 acres) Total population of Earth: 6,553,289,000 Average population density of Earth: 44.0 persons per square kilometer (5.62 acres per person)
The US comprises a total of about 2,428,224,640 acres, of which about 6.8% is water.
The US has 2,428,224,640 acres of land.
The US Virgin Islands' area is 85,587 acres.
The US state of Georgia is 38,000,000 acres.
The United States' area is 2,429,900,000 acres.
Approx 1.2 billion acres.
The United States' area is 2,429,900,000 acres.
About 424,491,520 acres.
There were 2.2 million acres of farm land in 2007, with an average size of 418 acres per farm.