Wisconsin has a total area of approximately 65,500 square miles.
Kenya is approximately 224,081 square miles in size.
Pembrokeshire is approximately 629 square miles in size.
The land area of Wisconsin is approximately 54,310 square miles.
Wisconsin is bigger than Rhode Island in terms of land area. Wisconsin covers approximately 65,500 square miles, while Rhode Island covers about 1,200 square miles.
Wisconsin is 23rd in size by total area with 65,497.82 square miles.
their ranking by size is 12th place
Wisconsin, USA - 65,498 sq miles.
Wisconsin has a total area of 65,497.82 square miles.
Wisconsin has a total area of approximately 65,500 square miles.
Wisconsin, USA - 65,498 square miles.
Wisconsin's area is 65,556 sq miles.
Wisconsin's total area is 65,497.82 square miles or 169,639 square km
California is the closest state to being this size. It is about 30,000 sq. miles smaller, however.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA - 96.9 square miles.
Wisconsin's area is 65,498 square miles.
Kenya is approximately 224,081 square miles in size.