Wisconsin is the 23rd largest state in the U.S. at 65,498 square miles.
Wisconsin is approximately 65,496 square miles in size.
The land area of Wisconsin is approximately 54,310 square miles.
The total land area of the Philippines is approximately 115,800 square miles.
The total area of Haiti is approximately 10,714 square miles.
Arkansas has a total area of about 53,179 square miles.
Wisconsin has a total area of 65,497.82 square miles.
Wisconsin is approximately 65,496 square miles in size.
Wisconsin's total area is 65,497.82 square miles or 169,639 square km
Wisconsin, USA - 65,498 sq miles.
Wisconsin is 23rd in size by total area with 65,497.82 square miles.
Wisconsin's area is 65,498 square miles.
Based on total area Wisconsin is the 23rd largest U.S. state with total area of 65,496 square miles which includes 57,158 square miles of land.
Wisconsin, USA - 65,498 square miles.
Wisconsin's area is 65,556 sq miles.
Wisconsin, the 23rd largest state by area in the U.S. has an area of 65,498 square miles or 169,790 square kilometers.
The estimated population in Wisconsin as of July 1, 2015 was 5,778,708 per the U.S. Census Bureau. Wisconsin is the 20th largest U.S. state based on population. Based on total area Wisconsin is the 23rd largest U.S. state with total area of 65,496 square miles which includes 57,158 square miles of land.
Wisconsin's area is 65,498 square miles.