New Jersey has the highest population density in the United States with approximately 1,200 people per square mile.
Turkey has a population density of about 256 people per square mile.
The population density of the Planet, including all land areas, is 105 people per square mile. Gibraltar has 200 per square mile, Gaza Strip 194, Bermuda 193, Malta 192, Maldives 188, Bahrain 187, Jersey 184, Taiwan 183 and down to Costa Rica with 0.4 per square mile.
The population density of Iceland is approximately 8.8 people per square mile.
As of 2021, the population density of Alice Springs is approximately 63 people per square mile. This means that there are around 63 individuals living in a square mile in Alice Springs.
According to the US Census Bureau, as of 2010, North Dakota has 9.8 people per square mile while Massachusetts has 835.2 people per square mile. So, North Dakota has fewer people per square mile than Massachusetts.
Impossible! I am sure there is one or two cities in New Jersey that have more population than the entire state of Wyoming.
The country of Mongolia has the lowest population density with just five people per square mile.
Rhode Island is the U.S. state with the 2nd highest population density of 392.7 people per square mile. New Jersey is #1 with 467.2 people per square mile.
Connectiicut has has 702.9 per square mile based on the 2010 population count. North Dakota has only 9.3 per square mile.
As of 2021, Oregon has a population density of about 44 people per square mile. This can vary depending on the specific region within the state.
57 people per square mile.
16,800 people per square mile
New Jersey is the most densely populated state in the continental US, with approximately 1,206 people per square mile.
New Jersey has the highest population density in the United States with approximately 1,200 people per square mile.
Indiana, New York, Ohio, & Pennsylvania
The population density of Algeria is about 17 people per square kilometer, which is equivalent to approximately 44 people per square mile.