The population density of the Planet, including all land areas, is 105 people per square mile. Gibraltar has 200 per square mile, Gaza Strip 194, Bermuda 193, Malta 192, Maldives 188, Bahrain 187, Jersey 184, Taiwan 183 and down to Costa Rica with 0.4 per square mile.
Alaska has the fewest people per square mile in the United States, with a population density of only 1.3 people per square mile.
The largest country in the world is Russia, with an area of approximately 6.6 million square miles.
Monaco has the second most roads per square mile.
Turkey has a population density of about 256 people per square mile.
The least densely populated country is Mongolia, with a population density of about 2 people per square kilometer.
Egypt, with 200.45 people per square mile.
The country with the highest population density is Monacowith 41,970 people per square mile. The second highest is Singapore with 16,540 people per square mile.
Moldova has an area of more than 13 square miles. The Vatican and Monaco are both less than one square mile.
According to the US Census Bureau, as of 2010, North Dakota has 9.8 people per square mile while Massachusetts has 835.2 people per square mile. So, North Dakota has fewer people per square mile than Massachusetts.
6 or less people live in Montana per square mile
Alaska has the fewest people per square mile in the United States, with a population density of only 1.3 people per square mile.
The country of Mongolia has the lowest population density with just five people per square mile.
Montana I think :$
57 people per square mile.
16,800 people per square mile
At 650 people per square mile, the United Kingdom is actually a fairly dense country. For comparison, the United States only has a population density of 84 people per square mile.