Yes. Out of my knowledge, the first 100 digits are as follows: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679.
It is the ratio (approx) of the diameter to the circumference of a circle.
Diameter = 314/pi feet
Approximatly 50inches
It's simple, just multiply de diameter of the circle by the pi number: 3.141592653.... the result is 31.14 cm, or 314 milimeters.
you divide by pi (3.14) then take the square root, then multiply by 2 and multiply by pi (3.14) that order i.e. if you have a circle with area of 314 square inches, you take the 314 and divide by get 100...then you take the square root of get 10...then you multiply by get 20...then you multply by get 62.8 inches...thats the circumference of a circle with an area of 314 square inches
You have to use the equationcircumference is equal to the radius multiplied by "pi" multiplied by twoC = 2 * π * rBecause your circumference is a known value, the only unknown value left is the radius. Simply solve the equation.314 / (2*π) = rr = 50.0 feet
The diameter of a circle whose circumference is 314 is about 1 (99.95).
Diameter = 314/pi feet
The circumference is 62.815 units.
about 314
Approximatly 50inches
Circumference = 314 inches implies radius = 49.97 inches and so area = 7846.02 sq inches (approx).
divide the circumference by pie (3.14) and the answer would be the radius. for example circumference = 314 pie = 3.14 so 314 divide by 3.14 = 100 so the radius = 100
10 pi or 314.someting something 10 pi or 314.someting something 10 pi or 314.someting something
If you mean 3.14 for pi then the circumference is: 7*3.14 = 21.98 cm
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with some math now? Alright, so the circumference of a circle is just pi times the diameter. So, if the diameter is 100 feet, the circumference would be 100π feet. But like, who really measures things in terms of pi? Just round it to like 314 feet and call it a day.
It's simple, just multiply de diameter of the circle by the pi number: 3.141592653.... the result is 31.14 cm, or 314 milimeters.
you divide by pi (3.14) then take the square root, then multiply by 2 and multiply by pi (3.14) that order i.e. if you have a circle with area of 314 square inches, you take the 314 and divide by get 100...then you take the square root of get 10...then you multiply by get 20...then you multply by get 62.8 inches...thats the circumference of a circle with an area of 314 square inches