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99.56 sq.feet

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Q: A packing box 2.2 ft by 4.9 ft by 5.5 ft is to be completely covered with tin How many square feet of the metal are needed?
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The answer will depend on the depth to which the area is covered.

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It should be obvious that the answer depends on how large the bigger square is.

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The units may be any squared units. It is an area. They may be square inches, feet, yards, miles, metres, kilometres etc.

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The area of Strawn Historic Citrus Packing House District is 80,937.128448 square meters.

How many 4x8 sheets of plywood are needed to completely cover a rectangle shaped floor measuring 40 feet by 28 feet?

If each sheet of plywood measures 4x8 feet, then each sheet covers an area of 32 square feet. To find the number of sheets needed to cover the floor, divide the total area of the floor (40 feet x 28 feet = 1,120 square feet) by the area covered by each sheet (32 square feet). Therefore, 35 sheets of plywood are needed to completely cover the floor.

How to calculate amount of top soil needed?

To calculate the amount of top soil needed, measure the length and width of the area to be covered in feet. Multiply the length by the width to get the square footage. Then, determine how deep you want the topsoil to be and convert that to feet. Multiply the square footage by the depth to get the volume of topsoil needed in cubic feet.

Was Mendeleevs table a completely regular grid?

not if u mean completely filled in but square by square yes

How many square with one inch long are needed to cover its area?

The answer depends on the size of the area to be covered. And since you have not bothered to provide that information, I cannot provide a more useful answer.

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It is 65,795 square miles.

How many square miles would the Ponderosa on Bonanza have covered?

According to Wikipedia, the Ponderosa ranch would have covered over one thousand square miles.