orthocenter and circumcenter
No. It's not possible to start at one vertex of the triangle and proceed to the midpoint of the opposite side, by way of a straight path that takes you outside of the triangle.
You find the orthocenter by constructing the altitudes from the vertices in a triangle. If the triangle is obtuse, the orthocenter will fall outside the triangle. If the triangle is acute, the orthocenter will fall on the inside of the triangle. If the triangle is a right triangle, the orthocenter will lie on a vertix.
incenter and centroidIncenter, CentroidThe inscribed circle.
The statement, "not every walking or working surface can be a potential fall hazard," is false.
In an obtuse angled triangle, two of them will.
false (apex)
Obtuse triangle! To make this happen the altitude lines have to be extended so they cross.Hope this helps!
Its "incenter" will not fall outside the triangle, or outside the base of the triangle.
Yes its perpendicular height or altitude is sometimes calculated out side the triangle depending on its shape.
Every point in the plane outside the triangle can fall there!
A median of a triangle is a line segment joining the vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side. The medians ( each triangle has 3) always intersect at a point call the centroid and the centroid is always INSIDE the triangle.APEX: The incenter of a triangle ________ falls outside of its triangle. = neverA median of a triangle may fall outside the triangle? false apex!!!!!!!!
It doesn't ever fall outside of a triangle.
A point outside the triangle may.
It will, if the triangle is obtuse.
When the triangle is obtuse.