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Q: May an altitude of a triangle may fall outside the triangle?
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An altitude of a triangle may not fall outside the triangle true or false?


The orthocenter of a triangle may lie outside the triangle since the altitude may not intersect any side of the triangle?

The orthocenter of a triangle may lie outside the triangle because an altitude does not necessarily intersect the sides of the triangle.

Which may fall outside a triangle?

A point outside the triangle may.

The orthocenter of a triangle may lie outside the triangle because an altitude does not necessarily intersect the of the triangle?


What may fall outside a triangle?

The orthocenter may fall outside of a triangle. The orthocenter usually lies within the inside the triangle. However this is only the case if the triangle is acute.

True or false A median of a triangle may fall outside the triangle?

false (apex)

Which of the following may fall outside a triangle?

orthocenter and circumcenter

The orthocenter of a triangle may lie outside the triangle because the altitude does not necessairly intersect the of the triangle?

The orthocenter of a triangle may lie outside the triangle since the ___altitude___ may not intersect any side of the triangle. * * * * * No. One of the altitudes must intersect the side opposite it and so it is not correct to say ANY side of the triangle.

A median of a triangle may fall outside the triangle?

A median of a triangle is a line segment joining the vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side. The medians ( each triangle has 3) always intersect at a point call the centroid and the centroid is always INSIDE the triangle.APEX: The incenter of a triangle ________ falls outside of its triangle. = neverA median of a triangle may fall outside the triangle? false apex!!!!!!!!

The orthocenter of a triangle may lie outside the triangle since the may not intersect any side of the triangle?

True for an obtuse triangle!

The orthocenter of a triangle may lie outside the triangle since the?

Not normally

The orthocenter of a triangle may lie outside the triangle since?

The orthocenter is the point where the altitudes of a triangle intersect. An orthocenter lies outside of a triangle only when the triangle is obtuse. If a triangle is acute, the orthocenter lies inside of the triangle.