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Q: Are Euclid and Pythagoras the same person or different?
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Is pythagorean and Pythagoras are same?

Pythagoras was a person, pythagorean refers to his mathematical theories - principally his theorems about the measures of the sides of a right angled triangle.

Are Euclid's algorithm and Euclid of Alexandria related?

Yup, same guy!

What Greek mathematician noticed that the morning star and the evening star were one in the same in 530 BC?

Pythagoras is credited with noticing that the morning star and the evening star were one and the same. He understood that both objects were actually the planet Venus appearing at different times during the day.

What was Pythagoras's age when he dies?

80 or about the same as 80

Full name of euclid?

The name "Euclid" is an English translation of the Greek name Eukleides. Eukleides, meaning "good glory", and that was probably his first name. At the same time, very little is known about him and so that is as far as i can go The name "Euclid" is an English translation of the Greek name Eukleides. Eukleides, meaning 'good glory', was probably his first name. At the same time, little is known of Euclid.

Are John the Baptizer and John the Baptist the same person?

Yes. they are different ways of descibing the same person.

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Two different jurisdictions can't try a person for the same crime, however, two jurisdictions can try a person for two different offenses connected to the same crime.

Are Saint Bridget of Ireland and Saint Brigid of Ireland the same person?

Yes, same person, different spelling.

What this quote means no two person regard the world in exactly the same way?

Meaning every person is different in their own way. We have different views on the world and different perspectives Not everyone is the same

Who taught that the universe fallowed the same rules as music and numbers?

nvm pythagoras

Is TI and TIP the same person?

o. They are the in the same body but are different personalities

What was Euclid's second postulate?

Euclid's second postulate allows that line segment to be extended farther in that same direction, so that it can reach any required distance. This could result in an infinitely long line.