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Yup, same guy!

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Q: Are Euclid's algorithm and Euclid of Alexandria related?
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Related questions

What is euclids full name?

Euclid of Alexandria or Eukleides

Who invented euclid's algorithm?

Euclid of Alexandria

Books written by euclid?

euclids elements

How many books in euclids eiements?

There are 13 books in Euclid's Elements.

What is the name of the guy who wrote Euclids elements?

'Elements' was written by Euclid.

Who is euclid Alexandria?

Euclid Alexandria was known for the basic rule and terms of geometry.

Euclids contrubution towards mathematic?

Euclid laid the basis of geometry still used today.

Where was euclid educated?

euclid was educated in alexandria , egypt.

What is the Euclid's Algorithm to simplify fractions?

it is euclidean algorithm...

Is euclid a Indian mathematicians?

No, Euclid of Alexandria, was a Greek mathematician

Where did Euclid of Alexandria study?

First of all, Euclid was from Athens, not from Alexandria. Second, he learned in Athens and he went to the Library at Alexandria to teach.Where can i find the source of this information?

Is there any specific formula for finding out that the given numbers are relatively prime?

Euclid's algorithm is probably the most commonly used 'formula' for that purpose. If the greatest common factor is 1, the numbers are relatively prime. See the related question for an example of Euclid's algorithm.