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Yes they are special rectangles that are tilted over

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Q: Are parallelograms special retangles
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Related questions

Which shapes are special parallelograms?

A square and a rhombus are two special forms of parallelograms.

Are squares special parallelograms?


Are some parallelograms rectangles?

In fact, some are rectangles, but not all are.

What are all parallelograms?

Parallelograms are a special form of quadrilaterals (four sided polygons). Parallelograms have 2 sets of parallel sides. So you could say that all parallelograms are quadrilaterals. Or you could say that all parallelograms are polygons. I'm not sure what you are asking.

How are parallelograms and quadrilaterals related?

A parallelogram is a special kind of quadrilateral.

What are 3 special types of parallelograms?

Rhombus, Rectangle, Square

Is all squares retangles squares?


What is different name for parallelogram?

There is no other name for a parallelogram. Special types of parallelograms have other names but these names do not apply to other parallelograms.

There are some parallelograms which are not rectangles true or false?

yes. rectangles are just the special cases of parallelograms where the angles are all 900

Can a rectangle be a parellogram also?

Yes, a rectangle is a special case of parallelograms.

Do all parallelograms have at least one right angle?

The simple answer is no, not all parallelograms have at least one right angle. However, there are some that do. Rectangles and squares are 'special' parallelograms that all have at least one right angle.

All quadrilaterals are parallelograms?

Some are, and some are not. A parallelogram is a special kind of quadrilateral ... one in which every side is parallel to the one across from it. So all parallelograms are quadrilaterals, but there are also a lot of other quadrilaterals that are not parallelograms.