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No. The word "quadrilateral" means "having four sides".

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Q: Can a quadralateral have more than four sides?
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Does a square have more than five sides?

No, four sides.

What is a group of shapes with more than 4 sides called?

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A shape with four sides has four vertices and a shape with three sides has three vertices, so a shape with four sides has more vertices than a shape with three sides.

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Incorrect, a triangle will never have more or less than three sides.

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What shape has four congruent sides an 4 right angles?

A square always has, and any polygon with more than four sides can have.

Can a quadrilateral have more than 4 sides?

No; the definition of a quadrilateral is a four-sided polygon, thus, it must have 4, and only 4, sides.

What is never a quaderlateral with four right angles?

A shape with more than four sides, but has four right angles. There is no name for it.

Does a rhombus have more than six sides?

No a rhombus is a quadrilateral, meaning it has four sides. All the sides are equal in length to each other.