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Yes. A very "flat" kite.

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Q: Can two angles of a kite be opposite and acute?
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3 fact about the maths shape called a kite?

this figure has 2 obtuse angles and two acute angles. also the opposite sides are parallel.

How many obtuse angles in a kite?

A quadrilateral kite can have two obtuse angles and two acute angles that add up to 360 degrees.

Can two opposite angles of a kite be supplementary?

Yes. The opposite angles of a kite can be supplementary if the kite is, more specifically, a square. (90° + 90° = 180°)

Does kite have two obtuse angles?

Yes as well as 2 acute

What two angles make up the right angle in a kite frame?


Are opposite angles of a kite congruent?

Congruent means exactly the same in size and angles. Only the two side angles are equal for a kite that is not a square.

A quadrilateral shape with two obtuse angles and two acute angles?

A kite, a parallelogram, many ordinary quadrilaterals with no specific names.

What is a polygon with two sets of opposite sides that are parallel with two acute angles and two obtuse angles?


What are the angles on a rhombus called?

A rhombus has two equal opposite acute angles and two opposite equal obtuse angles and the four angles add up to 360 degrees

Can two angles of a kite be opposite and supplementary?

Yes, they can. An example of this is when a kite's opposite angles are both 90°. (90° + 90° = 180°) In the example, the kite is more specifically a square, but because of the Quadrilateral Hierarchy Theorem, this is possible.

Are the opposite angles on a kite the same?

Only if the kite is a rhombus or square. For the kite shape (aka deltoid), only the two sides have equal angles, and their sides are equilateral. The top and bottom angles are not equal.

When does a rhombus have equal angles?

A rhombus has two equal opposite acute angles and two equal opposite obtuse angles with all four angles adding up to 360 degrees.