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Let perimeter = 30 hypotenuse h = 13 find other 2 sides. a and b you know, h² = a² + b² = 169 a + b + h = 30 so a + b = 17 (a + b)² = 17² = 289 a² + b² + 2ab = 289 169 + 2ab = 289 ab = 60 from this a = 60/b a = (17 - b) = 60/b 17b - b² = 60 b² - 17b + 60 = 0 (b - 12)(b - 5) = 0 b = 12 or b = 5 a = 5 or a = 12 ---------

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Q: Can you find both sides of a right triangle if only the perimeter and hypotenuse are given?
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How do you find the area of the right angle triangle given the base hypotenuse and perimeter?

It is: perimeter minus hypotenus+base = height Area = 0.5*base*height

How do you determine what side of the triangle is the hypotenuse?

Given a right triangle, the hypotenuse is the longest side or simply the side opposite the 90o angle.

If the legs of a right triangle are Cm and Cm find its hypotenuse?

No dimensions have been given but to find the hypotenuse of a right angle triangle use Pythagoras' theorem.

The legs of a triangle are 5 and 12 What is the perimeter?

With sides of 5 and 12, you can make a triangle with any perimeter you want between 24 and 34. If you call them "legs" because they are the sides of a right triangle, then the hypotenuse is 13, and the perimeter is 30.

What is the name given to the longest side of a right angled triangle?

A hypotenuse.

What name is given to the line opposite the right angle in any right angle triangle?

The Hypotenuse.

How do you find the perimeter of a triangle with only 10 and 8?

If ten is the hypotenuse of a right triangle, the Pythagorean theorem tells us that the other side has to be 6.

What is hypotenuse in right angle triangle?

The hypotenuse is the longest side of a right angled triangle.

What is the hypotenuse in a right triangle?

The hypotenuse of a right triangle is the side opposite the right angle. It is the longest of the three sides in the triangle.

What is the peremeter of the right angled triangle?

The perimeter is equal to the sum of (leg-1) plus (leg-2) plus (hypotenuse).

The hypotenuse of a right triangle is the side oppossite the?

The hypotenuse of a right triangle is the side opposite the right angle.

What is Hypotenuse Leg?

If the hypotenuse and a leg of a right triangle are congruent to the hypotenuse and a leg of another right triangle, then the triangles are congruent.