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No you cannot.

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Q: Can you make pentagon with unequal sides that has 2 lines of symmetry?
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How many lines of symmetry does unequal sided octagon have?

If all the sides are unequal, then none.

Do all octogons have the same number of lines of symmetry?

All regular octagons have the same number of lines of symmetry, but octagons with unequal sides would have fewer lines of symmetry.

What has no parallel sides and all sides and angels are equal and has 5 lines of symmetry?

A regular pentagon.

Do polygons have to have one line of symmetry?

The number of lines of symmetry in a polygon corresponds to the number of sides it has. If a polygon has n sides, then its symmetry will be n lines of symmetry and it will have one point of symmetry. A pentagon has five lines of symmetry, nonagon has 9, n-gon has n lines of symmetry, so on and so forth.

If a shape is a regular pentagon with five sides what must be true?

It has reflectional symmetry It has five lines of symmetry It is symmetrical

What polygon has 5 unequal sides?

"What polygon has 5 unequal sides?" An irregular pentagon is a polygon that has 5 unequal sides.

What shape has no parallel sides are equal in length angles are equal and has 5 lines of symmetry?


Does a pentagon have two lines of symmetry?

No- it has five (one from each corner to the other side) Incorrect. It depends on which type of pentagon your talking about, if you are talking about an equilateral regular pentagon, yes 5 sides but if you are talking about an irregular pentagon, well, that's different. a regular pentagon has 5 lines of symmetry

Which figure has more lines of symmetry A square or a pentagon?

In general, a square. A square always has 4 lines of symmetry. A pentagon need not have any. Only a regular pentagon can have 5 lines of symmetry. But if you created pentagons from sides with random lengths then, assuming the pentagons existed, only a tiny fraction would be regular: most pentagons would have no axes of symmetry.

What are the attributes of a pentagon?

1) A regular pentagon has 5 sides 2) A regular pentagon has sides that are all the same lenghth 3) A regular pentagon has 5 lines of symmetry 4) A regular pentagon has all obtuse angles

Does a pentagon have reflectional symmetry?

A pentagon does have reflective symmetry.

Why does a star have five lines of symmetry?

A geometric star with five lines of symmetry is made by connecting the corners of an equal length sided pentagon. Since the pentagon has five equal sides, each line connecting the vertices (corners) will also be equal in length. Not equal however, to the sides of the pentagon. It is also called a pentagram.It is also a polygon.