

Difference between a sphere and a cone?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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A sphere to a cone is the same as a circle is to a triangle but they are both 3 dimensional.

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Q: Difference between a sphere and a cone?
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What is the difference between a cone sphere and a cylinder?

sphere has 1 face and no vertex and it rolls but cone has 2 faces and it can roll and it has 1 vertex

What is relationship between cone and sphere?

Actually seeing the relationship between the volumes of a cone (one-third of a cylinder) and a sphere (two-thirds of a cylinder) is hard to beat. The cylinder is 1/3 the volume of the cone

What is the difference between cones and cylinders and spheres?

sphere has 1 face and no vertex and it rolls but cone has 2 faces and it can roll and it has 1 vertex

What is the relation between sphere and cone?

The ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes proved that the volume of a sphere is four times that of the cone with base equal to a great circle of the sphere and height the radius of the sphere. Maybe this is what the poser of the question meant.

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A sphere sliced by a plane; or a cone.

What is the similarities between a cone a cylinder and a sphere?

They are all 3D geometric shapes.

Is a cone quadrilateral?

No, it is not.

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Sphere is whole a hemisphere is not

What is the difference between a sphere and in a hemisphere?

A hemisphere is half a sphere

What are some difference between cone and a prism?

the difference between a cone and a prism is that a cone has no edges and only one vertex and a prism has both edges and vertexes.

What is the difference between spherical and round?

round is used to described the shape and or form like of the circle,sphere,cylinder,cone, etc. Spherical is the specific description of a sphere. A sphere is a 3D object having volume. Marble is a sphere Coin is a cylinder marble and coin are circle only if it is already a figure(drawing).

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