Simple; It's the Hexagon (Hexa=6)
No, a parallelogram is not a hexagon.
There are 9 diagonals in any hexagon!The hexagon does not have to be regular.
A. The hexagon is circumscribed about the circle . D. Each vertex of the hexagon lies outside the circle . E. The circle is tangent to each side of the hexagon .
No, but a hexagon is a polygon.
They contain more solar energy!
Ir waves are better. It is because they contain heat, not the uv rays.
rectangle, octagon, hexagon
No, it cannot.
Yes, it can.
Yes, the sun rays contain dangerous amounts of Ultra-violet radiation that can hurt your eyes and your skin.
When referring to it as a hexagon is not a faux pas.
X-rays contain electromagnetic energy, which is a form of energy that travels in waves and does not require a medium to propagate. They are a high-energy form of light with shorter wavelengths than visible light.
No. Gamma rays are light, and the only thing that can "hold" light is the "inside" of a black hole's event horizon.