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It will, unless the shape is symmetrical and the axis of reflection is parallel to the axis of symmetry.

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Q: Does a reflection change the orientation of a shape?
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Related questions

Does reflection change in orientation?

Yes, reflection changes the orientation of an object by flipping it across an axis, such as a line, without changing its shape or size. The object appears as a mirror image of its original position.

Does a reflection change the orientation?

In general, yes.

Why do you use reflection in maths?

When you're dealing with mirrors, changing a shape from one orientation to another.

What is a reflection as a math term?

A reflection is when a shape flips completely over. The coordinates of the shape will opposite as well. The reflection can change depending what you are flipping it over.

What does a line reflection preserve?

A line reflection preserves the shape and size of an object. It also preserves the orientation and distance between points on the object, but it does not preserve the direction or handedness of the object.

Does reflection and rotation?

Yes, reflection and rotation are both transformations that can change the orientation of an object. Reflection is when an object is flipped over a line, while rotation is when an object is turned around a point.

What is a mathematical displacement?

It is sliding a shape in a plane (or higher dimensions). It involves a change in position without a change its shape or orientation.

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How do you do translation math?

Translation refers to moving a shape from one location (on a coordinate grid) to another such that the size and orientation of the shape does not change.

What is translation in geometry?

A translation is when a shape slides. There are three other transformations other than this: * rotation * dilation * reflection. During translation, an object changes its position but not orientation.

What does congruence transformations mean?

These are transformations that do not change the shape or size, only its location (translation) or orientation (rotation).

How do you write a paper Reflexivity?

Journal Entry: Orientation Reflection