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Q: Example of online Processing
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Related questions

What is the example of online transaction processing?

one of the examples of online transaction processing is the E-Commerce. But not just one example there are many of them..

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What do the letters in oltp stand for?

The acronym OLTP stands for Online Transaction Processing. It's about the processing and the response of the system to the users' request, for example the process that happens in ATM machines.

Where can I download online credit card processing software?

Online credit card processing software isn't usually something you "download". You sign up with a merchant processor and then pipe transactions from your e-store to their server. Here's an example:

Disadvantages of online processing?

disadvantages of on line processing?

Online processing is used when in data handling is not possible?

online processing is done when--------------is not possible in data handling.

What is online processing?

The link below has an easy explanation.

What is the difference between online processing and realtime processing?

The different is that real-time processing occurs immediately an a function is set to action. Online processing involves putting functions in a queue and can take time to process.

What is 1 example os a processing device?

I example of a processing device is sims card, or a video card.

What do you mean by online processing?

online means which done instantly

Advantages and disadvantages of online processing?
