some real world examples of a sphere could be a basketball ,baseball, soccerball ,or even there earth itself
A frustum of a cone, or a sphere sliced by two planes are a couple of examples.
Some facts about a sphere is, a sphere is round.
The correct answer is Sphere. All of these are geometric shapes, however only the sphere is a 3 dimensional one.
A sphere and a cylinder are two examples
A cone, cylinder and a sphere are three examples.
Some examples are a sphere, a cylinder and a cone.
some real world examples of a sphere could be a basketball ,baseball, soccerball ,or even there earth itself
A sphere, a cone, a section of a sphere or ellipsoid, a torus (doughnut) sliced by a plane perpendicular to its axis, a paraboloid. These are some examples.
the spatial figures are cone,cube,cylender,sphere,pyramid.........
A sphere, an ellipsoid, a toroid are some examples.
cone,pyramid,sphere,cylinder,cube and rectangular prism
cylinder cube cone rectangular prism sphere circle pyramid
The map projection that transfers points from a sphere to a cylinder is called a cylindrical projection. Examples include the Mercator and Miller cylindrical projections.