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find the vector<1,1>+<4,-3>

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Q: Find a unit vector in the direction from 3 -1 4 to 1 3 5?
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Why you call unit vector as vector?

because it has an orientation(a direction) it also helps later on with certain operations, but it is a vector because it has a length(1) and a direction(whatever that may be)

Define the unit vector?

The unit vector is a vector whose magnitude is 1.

Why A unit vector is a vector but a vector is not a unit vector?

A unit vector is one which has a magnitude of 1 and is often indicated by putting a hat (or circumflex) on top of the vector symbol, for example: Unit Vector = &acirc;, &acirc; = 1.The quantity &acirc; is read as "a hat" or "a unit".

Can unit vector have negative component?

Yes, a unit vector can have negative component since a unit vector has same magnitude and direction as a negative unit vector. Here is the general work out of the problem: Let |v| be the norm of (v1, v2). Then, the unit vector is (v1/|v|, v2/|v|). Determine the "modulus" or the norm |(v1/|v|, v2/|v|)| to get 1, which is the new norm. If we determine the norm of |(-v1/|v|, -v2/|v|)|, we still have the same norm 1.

What is a unit vector in mathematics?

A vector of magnitude 1.

What is the value of i in mathematics?

i is often used to denote the [imaginary] square root of -1. It can also be the unit vector in the horizontal direction.

If all the components of a vector are equal to 1 then that vector is a unit vector?


What is a unit vector?

It is a vector whose magnitude is 1.It is a vector whose magnitude is 1.It is a vector whose magnitude is 1.It is a vector whose magnitude is 1.

What is the result of multiplying vector components by a scalar?

If the scalar is &gt; 1 the resultant vector will be larger and in the same direction. = 1 the resultant vector will be the same as the original vector. between 0 and 1 the resultant vector will be smaller and in the same direction. = 0 the resultant vector will be null. If the scalar is less than 0, then the pattern will be the same as above except that the direction of the resultant will be reversed.

Why is speed classified as a scalar quantity and velocity classified as a vector quantity?

Speed is the rate of which an object is moving altogether and is a scalar quantity and thus only requires a magnitude and is found by the use of the formula speed=distance/time SI unit = m.s-1 Velocity is the rate of which a object is moving in a given direction, so is vector quantity and both a magnitude and direction are required found by the formula velocity=displacement/time SI unit = m.s-2

How to find the direction of vector A by its x and y components?

Consider any two points on the vector, P = (a, b) and Q = (c, d). And lext x be the angle made by the vector with the positive direction of the x-axis. Then either a = c, so that the vector is vertical and its direction is straight up or a - c is non-zero. In that case, tan(x) = (b - d)/(a - c) or x = tan-1[(b - d)/(a - c)]

What is the difference between unit vectors and column vectors?

a unit vector is any vector with length or absolute value 1. A column vector is any vector written in a column of since we say an mxn matrix is m rows and n columns, a column vector is mx1 matrix.