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Yes, a unit vector can have negative component since a unit vector has same magnitude and direction as a negative unit vector.

Here is the general work out of the problem:

Let |v| be the norm of (v1, v2). Then, the unit vector is (v1/|v|, v2/|v|). Determine the "modulus" or the norm |(v1/|v|, v2/|v|)| to get 1, which is the new norm. If we determine the norm of |(-v1/|v|, -v2/|v|)|, we still have the same norm 1.

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Q: Can unit vector have negative component?
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Yes, a vector can be represented in terms of a unit vector which is in the same direction as the vector. it will be the unit vector in the direction of the vector times the magnitude of the vector.

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No, a vector component is a projection of the vector onto a specific direction. It cannot have a magnitude greater than the magnitude of the vector itself.

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No, the vector (I j k) is not a unit vector. In the context of unit vectors, a unit vector has a magnitude of 1. The vector (I j k) does not have a magnitude of 1.

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prrpendicular projections of a vector called component of vector

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Notation in which you express the x component as i and the y component as j, and you add them. Ex. V (4,5) --> V (4i + 5j)

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No, a component of a vector cannot be greater than the magnitude of the vector itself. The magnitude of a vector is the maximum possible value that can be obtained from its components.

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A unit vector is one which has a magnitude of 1 and is often indicated by putting a hat (or circumflex) on top of the vector symbol, for example: Unit Vector = â, â = 1.The quantity â is read as "a hat" or "a unit".