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Equilateral triangle...each angle would be of 60degrees

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Q: Having all angles equal
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Is a rectangular having all angles equal?

The 4 interior angles of a rectangle each measure 90 degrees

Is square a parallelogram with all sides equal?

Not unless all angles are also equal. A rhombus is a parallelogram with all sides equal. A rectangle is a parallelogram with all angles equal. A square is a rhombus with all angles equal which is a parallelogram with all sides equal and all angles equal.

What does equiangular mean?

Equiangular means "having equal angles" or "with all angles equal" or the like. An equilateral triangle (a triangle having all 3 sides the same length) is equiangular. Each of it's interior angles is 60 degrees. A quadrilateral (a 4-sided figure) that is equiangular would have to have each of its interior angles equal to 90 degrees, and the quadrilateral would then have to be a rectangle.

What quadrilateral has all sides equal but does not have all angles equal?

It is a rhombus which has 2 equal acute angles and 2 equal obtuse angles

Are all the angles in a parellelogram equal?

All the angles in a parallelogram can be equal, but are not always.

In a rhombus are all angles equal?

no, all sides are equal but only all opposite angles are equal, except the special case of a square where all angles are equal to 90 degrees

Does a rhombus have all equal angles?

No but it has 2 equal acute angles and 2 equal obtuse angles

Are kites angles all equal?

Not all of them but only two angles in a kite are equal

All angles are right angles but all sides are not equal?

You don't tell us enough information. In a square, there are four sides and four angles. The sides are all equal and the angles are all right angles. In a rectangle, there are four sides and four angles The opposite sides are equal and the angles are all right angles. There is no other shape in which all angles are right angles.

Do all hexagon have 6 equal angles?

All hexagons have six angles and six sides.If the sides are all equal and the angles are all equal, then it's called a regular hexagon.

What is the definition of a square?

A four sided, regular polygon with all sides and all angles equal.Also : a rectangle with all four sides equal.It is a 4 sided regular quadrilateral having 4 equal sides and 4 equal interior angles

Does a rhombus have equal angles?

A rhombus is shaped like a diamond. It has equal sides but it does not have all equal angles. However the opposite angles are equal .