

Best Answer

chech its lengh and breadth an then apply the formula length * breadth

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Q: How 2 answer a area of a hand kerchief?
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Related questions

Why do girls use small hand kerchief and boys use a big hand kerchief?

because boys will have more sweat than the girls so they will nedd a big handkercheif

What does the German soldiers find in the packet?

thay fond a hand kerchief

What is the plural of kerchief?

The plural of kerchief is kerchieves.

What is tow type plural for kerchief?

Kerchiefs is the plural of kerchief

How do you spell kerchief as plural?

The plural form of kerchief is "kerchiefs."

What is a good sentence for kerchief?

Four days ago I used my kerchief to shield dust from my eyes in the desert.

What is the plural for kerchief?


What is the opposite of kerchief?


What are the release dates for The Lost Kerchief - 1911?

The Lost Kerchief - 1911 was released on: USA: 16 October 1911

What actors and actresses appeared in Ma in Her Kerchief - 2011?

The cast of Ma in Her Kerchief - 2011 includes: Maria Rusolo as Andrea

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