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There are three ways to classify a triangle by its sides:

A scalene triangle is a triangle where no two sides are of the same length. That is, all three sides are different lengths

An isosceles triangle is a triangle where at least two sides have equal length. (Note: In some textbooks, they define an isosceles as having exactly two sides with equal length).

An equilateral triangle has all three sides with equal lengths. By the first definition for isosceles, this means that an equilateral triangle would also be isosceles. It all depends on the book being used.

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Q: How can triangles be classified by their sides?
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Related questions

How can triangles be classified?

sides, and angles

Which triangle is classified by their congruent sides?

Equilateral, Isosceles and Scalene are three types of triangles classified based on how many congruent sides the triangle has.

What is anther types of a triangles?

Triangles can be classified by their sides: equilateral, isosceles, scalene or by their angles: acute, right, obtuse. Combinations are possible.

Can a triangle have 2 parallel sides?

Nope, never. Parallelograms are classified as having 1 or 2 sets of parallel sides, not triangles.

What are the different kind of triangles?

there is the Equilateral Triangle which all sides are equal.there is the Isosceles Triangle where only two sides are equal.there is the Scalene Triangle where no sides are equal.can help you:

Can equilateral triangles be isosceles triangles?

no. Equilateral triangles have all equal sides. Isoceles triangles only have 2 congruent sides. Isosceles triangles have 2 equal sides.

Are there triangles with 4 sides?

No. Triangles all have three sides.

How many triangles are in a square?

There are no triangles in a square. A triangle is a 3 sided figure. A square is a 4 sided figured classified as quadrilateral meaning it has 4 sides. A triangle can be any size, as long as it has 3 sides. A quadrilateral can also be any size it just has to have 4 sides as well.

Is a triangle an isosceles triangle?

It can be, if two of the sides and two of the angles are equal. Triangles can be classified by their sides: equilateral, isosceles, scalene or by their angles: acute, right, obtuse. Combinations are possible.

How many sides does a triangular pryimed have that are triangles?

it has 4 sides that are triangles

What does all the triangles look like and what type of triangle are they?

There are infinitely many types of triangles, and they can be classified according to their angles or sides (or both). Equilateral (equiangular triangles): All sides equal, all angles 60 degrees. Obtuse angled isosceles triangles: Two sides equal; one angle > 90deg. Right angled isosceles triangles: Two sides equal; angles of 90, 45, 45 degrees. Other isosceles triangle: Two sides equal; angles of 180-2x, x, x degrees. Obtuse angled scalene triangles: All sides unequal, one angle > 90 degrees. Right angled scalene triangles: All sides unequal, one angle = 90 degrees. Acute angled scalene triangles: All sides unequal, all angles < 90 degrees.

Does a triangle have 2 congruent sides?

Some, but not all. Triangles with 2 congruent sides are called isoceles triangles. Triangles with 3 congruent sides are called equilateral triangles.