There are two ways of answering this questionCalculus Let A denote the area and r the radius.Then A = pi*r2 = pi*1.8*104cm = 1,017,876*103 cm2Now "error" = dA = pi*2r*dr where dr is the error in the measurement of the radius = 0.05*104 = 500 cm.So dA = 56,549*103 cm2.Therefore, percentage error = 100*dA/A = 5.55... (recurring) %Explicit calculationr = 1.8*104 cm. Therefore the range for radius is 17,500 to 18,500 cm.That gives an area of 1,017,876*103 cm2 with a range of962,113*103 to 1,075,210*103 cm2That gives an average absolute error of 56,549*103 cm2 and as before, the percentage error is 5.55... %.
it means an error in the cell formula. -- click to find some jobs
Area of base lies between 8.2 x 8.2 and 8.8 x 8.8 ie between 67.24 and 77.44. Height between 16.4 and 17.6 so volume lies between 16.4 x 67.24 and 17.6 x 77.44 ie between and 1102.736 and 1362.944 cuinches, a possible error of 260 and a bit cuinches
Knowing the diameter of the ball allows you to calculate it. Using displacement of water allows to directly calculate it. Using direct measurement eliminates the error caused by the "dimples" on the ball's surface. (The minimum legal size for a ball has a volume of about 2.482 cubic inches or 40.68 cm3.)How to computeV = 4/3 (pi) r3 (4 x 3.1416 x radius cubed)How to measureThe easiest way to check would be to put a golf ball in a beaker of water. Fill a 200 ml beaker with water, and place the ball in it. Catch the overflow in another measured beaker. Since water is almost exactly 1 ml = 1 cc, the liquid displaced by the completely submerged ball will provide a close estimate of its volume in cm3.
For a relative error maybe it is: (Vout_hi - Vout_lo) / (Vout_hi_nom - Vout_lo_nom) - 1
to ensure your experiment is precise and to prevent error to happen during experiment
percent error
The relative error measurements indicates the quality of a measurement relative to the quantity of the object being measured. To derive the relative error, divide the absolute error by the value of the object being measured.
The ratio of an error to an accepted value is called the relative error. It is a measure of how large the error is compared to the accepted value. By expressing the error relative to the accepted value, it allows for a standardized comparison between different measurements or experiments.
The relative error depends on the true value of the measurement. That information has not been provided.
To get the relative error is the maximum error over the measurement. So the maximum error is the absolute error divided by 2. So the maximum error is 0.45. The relative error is 0.45 over 45 cm.
Percent error.
The error bound is half of the last digit = ±0.0005 The relative error is ±0.000145 or ±0.0145%
It can be.